Claude Parent : urbanisme principe
In January 2010, architect Claude Parent and essayist Paul Virilio, symbolically recreated their mythical group, Architecture Principe, in AA 375. They expressed and questioned themselves on the future of urbanism and on the rules of living together. Their work started on the idea that cohabitation between inhabitants of established cities and the flux of immigrants would cause a lot of issues or even serious conflicts. They both expressed themselves through their preferred media : Parent drawing and Virilio writing.
(Re)discover this exclusive report, as well as an introduction written by Cyrille Poy and titled “Parent-Virilio: Reunion, staged against backdrop of urban decay”.

Text by Paul Virilio, an extract from Stop Eject, published in the catalogue Terre natale, Ailleurs commence ici, by Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, 2008.
Drawings by Claude Parent created from 2008 to 2009, parts of Villes-Boucliers series and a detail titled Imbroglio oblique (lit. ‘The Shielded towns’ and ‘Oblique entanglement’).